How to Attract and Grow the Monarch Butterfly Population

Seeing the monarch butterflies migrate to Mexico and Southern California is a treat that we get to enjoy each year. These pollinators can’t withstand the cold winters in our Mid Atlantic region, but they come here to lay their eggs each year. If you enjoy the monarch butterfly, you should definitely read the entirety of this post to learn more about them!

As of writing this, it is August 12, 2018, and I am just starting to see monarch butterflies appear in our area. We service 100+ lawns, and I have noticed that these butterflies can’t stay away from the customers who plant milkweed. It is easy to lose track of time as you watch their wings flutter around and they dance from flower to flower.

Attracting Monarch Butterflies

Luring monarchs onto your property is fairly easy. Try planting milkweed in your gardens. These butterflies only lay their eggs on the milkweed plant. When the eggs hatch, they feed on the plant. The milkweed contains a toxin that makes the monarch butterflies poisonous for predators to eat. Milkweed is also responsible for the orange and black coloration.  Without milkweed, monarchs would not be able to reproduce.

By planting milkweed you are doing more than just attracting butterflies. You are also helping the monarch population grow. Scientists estimate that their population has decreased around 90% in the last 2 decades! Some other plants that attract them include Butterfly Bush, Coneflowers, and Asclepias.

Exploring Maryland’s Native Flora: Delicate and Persistent Foamflower

Common name: Foamflower Botanical name (genus and species): Tiarella cordifolia Plant family: Saxifragaceae Plant Description Plant size: Up to 12 inches Plant life cycle: Perennial Foliage color: Green and burgundy (bronzes in fall) Plant type: Evergreen Bloom color:...

Exploring Maryland’s Native Flora: The Enchanting Charm of Eastern Columbine

Common name: Eastern Columbine Botanical name: Aquilegia canadensis Plant family: Ranunculaceae Plant Description Plant size: 1 to 3 feet Plant life cycle: Perennial Foliage color: Green Plant type: Herbaceous Perennial Bloom color: Red and yellow (others available)...

Exploring Maryland’s Native Flora: Goldenstar, a Native Garden Groundcover

Common name: Goldenstar Botanical name (genus and species): Chrysogonum virginianum Plant family: Asteraceae Plant Description Plant size: 6 to 12 inches tall Plant Life cycle: Perennial Foliage color: Green Plant Type: Semi-evergreen Bloom color: Yellow Bloom time:...

Exploring Maryland’s Native Flora: The Evergreen Verdure of Christmas Fern

Common name: Christmas Fern Botanical name (genus and species): Polystichum acrostichoides Plant family: Dryopteridaceae Plant Description Plant size: 1 to 2 feet Plant life cycle: Perennial Foliage color: Evergreen, vibrant green Plant type: Evergreen Bloom color:...

Exploring Maryland’s Native Flora: Virginia Bluebells, A symbol of Winter’s Thaw and Spring’s Arrival

Name and Classification Common name: Virginia Bluebell Botanical name: Mertensia virginica Plant family: Boraginaceae Plant Description Plant size: 2 to 3 feet Plant life cycle: Perennial Foliage color: Green Plant type: Herbaceous Bloom color: Violet-blue to lavender...

Exploring Maryland’s Native Flora: The Majestic Iris Versicolor

Name and Classification Common name: Blue Flag Iris Botanical name (genus and species): Iris versicolor Plant family: Iridaceae Plant Description Plant size: 2 to 3 feet Plant life cycle: Perennial Foliage color: Green Plant type: Herbaceous Bloom color: Violet-blue...

Exploring Maryland’s Native Flora: Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)

Name and Classification Common name: Bloodroot Botanical name (genus and species): Sanguinaria canadensis Plant family: Papaveraceae Plant Description Plant size: 6-12 inches in height Plant life cycle: Perennial Foliage color: Green, with distinctive lobed leaves...

Exploring Maryland’s Native Flora: First to Bloom After Winter’s Thaw, Hepatica nobilis

Name and Classification Common name: Hepatica (many others) Botanical name (genus and species): Hepatica nobilis Plant family: Ranunculaceae Plant Description Plant size: 3-7 inches in height Plant Life cycle: Perennial Foliage color: Dark Green, with lobed leaves...

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