Control Weeds in Your Lawn with Quinclorac
Most homeowners struggle with crabgrass and other grassy weeds. In the summer crabgrass can be a big issue. You want to achieve the perfect lawn, but how can you be sure that you are using the right herbicide? Even if you do pick the right product, you need to make sure that you are using it properly. That’s what I am going to teach you in this post.
Weeds Treated:
- Barnyardgrass
- Crabgrass, Large
- Crabgrass, Smooth
- Foxtail, Giant
- Foxtail, Green
- Foxtail, Yellow
- Kikuyugrass
- Signalgrass
- Torpedograss
- Bindweed, Field
- Clover, Hop
- Clover, Red
- Clover, White
- Daisy, English
- Dandelion, Common
- Dollarweed
- Geranium, Carolina
- Medic. Black
- Morning Glory
- Speedwell, Common
- Speedwell, Slender
- Speedwell, Thyme Leaf
- Violet, Wild
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
- Longsleeve shirt
- Long pants
- Chemical resistant gloves (nitrile 14mm)
- Shoes and socks

Mixing Quinclorac
Step 1
Put on all PPE (see above)
Step 2
Fill spray tank with 1/2 gallon of water
Step 3
Add .376 oz of Quinclorac 75 DF to spray tank (measured by weight)

Step 4
Add 1 fl oz of methylated seed oil to spray tank
Step 5
Add 1/2 gal water to the spray tanking, filling it to the 1 gallon mark
Step 6
Rinse off measuring tools in a 5 gal bucket

Step 7
Dispose of the rinsate in a bare spot of the flower bed, or a suitable place on the lawn. DO NOT pour rinsate onto non-permiable surface

Using Quinclorac
When applying any herbicide, make sure the spray wand is close to the ground to avoid any off target spraying.
After spraying weeds, you will notice that crabgrass turns a plum color in the next 1-2 days. Then, it becomes yellow and dies. Broadleaf weeds tend to curl up and wilt within a few days.
Once quinclorac is applied, try to stay off of the lawn for at least 2-3 hours.
Be sure to read the list of “Do NOT’s” before using this product. Always consult the product label before using.
- Apply directly to water or near runoff areas
- Use in flowerbeds
- Spray exposed tree roots
- Apply to grass under any kind of stress
- Apply to fine fescue unless it is part of a seed blend
- Apply to Bahiagrass, St. Augustinegrass, Centipedegrass, or lawns where clover is desirable
- Apply within 4 weeks after seeding
- Mow 2 days before or after application