Low Maintenance Landscaping: Zoysia

For homeowners that maintain their own properties, low maintenance = good! Zoysia grass is a terrific turfgrass variety if you are looking for a beautiful lawn for less work.

Zoysia grass is common in southern regions of the country, but our transition zone can still sustain this hardy variety. Zoysia grass naturally grows thick and carpet like.

In addition to fine fescue, zoysia grass is another great low maintenance turfgrass. More common in the south, zoysia can still survive in the transitions zone of the mid-Atlantic.

This variety of grass has some serious benefits. To start, zoysia grass typically grows so densely, that weeds cannot become established in the lawn. It can also tolerate summer heat and drought extremely well. In fact, zoysia usually grows the most during the summer months. In contrast, zoysia grass had a slow start in the spring, remaining dormant and straw-like until temperatures are well into the mid 50’s and goes dormant very early in the fall when temperatures start dropping to 55F.

If you want a low maintenance lawn, the shorter growing season translates to less mowing. And, the dense turf means that there is usually no need for herbicide applications. If you return your clippings to the lawn, zoysia grass does not need to be fertilized either!

Warm sunny lawns are perfect for this low maintenance grass. If you want to mow your lawn less and eliminate other services that are not a necessity, like herbicide treatments and fertilization, then zoysia grass is a great candidate for your lawn!

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