Weeds | Yellow Nutsedge

Weeds | Yellow Nutsedge

Yellow Nutsedge Info Yellow nutsedge is a common summer weed. New seedlings and plants sprout from May-July. Yellow nutsedge is a perennial weed and has a triangular stem that is typical for plants in the sedge family.  Yellow nutsedge forms tubers or...
Definitive Guide for Pruning Hydrangeas

Definitive Guide for Pruning Hydrangeas

When and how should you prune your hydrangeas? Keep reading for the complete hydrangea pruning guide. “When should I prune my hydrangeas?” This is a question that I hear all the time. Many people claim that hydrangeas do not flower the year after they are pruned. You...
Weed ID: Bittercress

Weed ID: Bittercress

Bittercress is a common weed throughout the year. However, it is easy to spot in early spring and fall when most other weeds are still dormant.  Bittercress, Cardamine hirsuta L., is commonly found in lawns and flowerbeds in our area. While bittercress starts small,...
Turfgrass Disease – Brown Patch

Turfgrass Disease – Brown Patch

Brown patch is a turfgrass fungal disease that is pretty self explanatory. Brown patches appear in the lawn when temperatures remain 70F and higher.  What is Brown Patch? As stated above, brown patch is a fungal disease. It affects all types of turfgrass. However,...
7 Native Ground Covers

7 Native Ground Covers

Have you been looking for a low maintenance alternative to lawns? Ground covers are a great installment for flower beds and hills. We have selected seven native ground covers that you are bound to enjoy. 1. Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense) Native ginger is a slow...
Low Maintenance Landscaping: Zoysia

Low Maintenance Landscaping: Zoysia

For homeowners that maintain their own properties, low maintenance = good! Zoysia grass is a terrific turfgrass variety if you are looking for a beautiful lawn for less work. Zoysia grass is common in southern regions of the country, but our transition zone can still...