Responsible Landscaping

Discover landscaping methods and concepts that mitigate or even reduce our footprint!

Winter Checklist

Winter Checklist

Don't forget these important chores before Winter! Shut off your water Don't forget to turn off the water to your outdoor hoses. Turn off the water inside, open the faucet on the exterior hose bib, and remove any type of hose attachment. These steps will help your...

My favorite landscaping books

My favorite landscaping books

This post is a little different than most. This is an ongoing list of my favorite books about landscaping. I have many books on the topic. Most of them were gifted, some of them were purchased. But, I always find myself returning to the same few selections. Landscape...

Micro Clover Will Help Your Lawn

Micro Clover Will Help Your Lawn

Micro clover is an organic way to increase biodiversity, reduce fertilizer inputs, and achieve a greener lawn.facebookpinterestyoutubeinstagramWhat is micro clover? Like normal clover, micro clover has 3 rounded leaves and is a member of the legume family. This ground...

Planting Native: A Summary

Planting Native: A Summary

Buying local has become a trend. The farm to table movement, small business day, craft beer, and even handmade custom furniture are some examples of the “buy local” movement in Maryland. Beyond buying local we should also plant local. There are many benefits to using...

5 Ways to Control Mosquitos

5 Ways to Control Mosquitos

By mid-summer mosquitos are out in full fury. Wet Mid-Atlantic springs provide the ideal breeding ground where the mosquito population is seeded. No one has ever enjoyed a cookout that is overrun with the blood sucking insects. On the other hand, a lot of people,...